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About Our Program

Mercy Medical Center is proudly committed to the highest standard of excellence in the training of its preliminary medicine residents. With a sizeable annual class of eighteen preliminary residents, Mercy offers a collegial atmosphere throughout both its patient care and educational activities.

Internal medicine wards are structured in a team-based approach. With its close affiliation with the University of Maryland Internal Medicine Residency Program and the University of Maryland School of Medicine, ward teams are comprised of senior internal medicine residents, Mercy preliminary interns, and medical students, who rotate monthly through the medical services. Our preliminary medicine interns serve as vital teachers and role models to the senior and junior medical students on the teams.

Resident life includes the annual University of Maryland intern welcome picnic, annual Mercy/University winter parties, and the annual Mercy End of the Year Banquet.

Annual Training Schedule

Mercy Medical Center offers a diverse annual training schedule, with a carefully selected balance between general medical services, nightfloat, electives, emergency department, and critical care rotations. All rotations are located on-campus, with the exception of critical care, which is located at the Baltimore VA Medical Center, affiliated with the University of Maryland Medical System. Additional critical care time may be done at Mercy’s own intensive care unit.

Area Duration
General Medicine Services* 24-26 weeks
Nightfloat 6 weeks
Electives** 10 weeks
Critical Care at Baltimore VA Medical Center 4 weeks
Emergency Department 2-4 weeks
Vacation 4 weeks

*Includes medical wards, admitting, and consultative rotations
**Includes an optional Critical Care elective at Mercy ICU


General internal medicine services form the foundation of training for our preliminary medicine residents.

General Medicine Services
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Most subspecialty electives are offered at Mercy Medical Center, with unique electives including IV Therapy, Hospital Administration, Research, and a Reading elective to study for the Step 3 USMLE Exam.

Electives, ED and Critical Care
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Mercy Medical Center offers a comprehensive conference schedule based on a general internal medicine core curriculum through morning and noon conferences.

Conference Education

An outline of a typical day in the Mercy Medical Center / University of Maryland First Year Residency Program.

A Typical Day

Beyond the curriculum - information about the Mercy / University of Maryland Residency Program.

Quality of Life